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Rest API Documentation

This page describes the Grobid-quantities REST API.

Response description

The response is structured following a simple schema composed two attributes: runtime and measurements representing the request duration server side (in ms) and the list of extracted measurements, respectively.

The basic JSON structure is the following :

       "runtime": "123
       "measurements": [
              "type": ...
              "quantity*": ...
              "quantified": ...
              "pages": ...

constituted by the following components:

  • quantity represents the raw quantity
  • type describes the measurement nature, in particular it can be value, interval or list. Depending on it, the property related to the quantity will change according to the table below.
  • quantified contains the quantified object/substance in both raw and normalised expression
  • pages provides the list of pages when processing a PDF document
Measurement type Quantity property name(s) Object type
value quantity quantity object
interval quantityLeast, quantityMost quantity objects (2)
list quantities list of quantity objects

Note: ranges (10+-3) are represented directly as intervals (7 to 13) in JSON.

The quantity object follow the schema :

    "quantity": {
      "type": "time",
      "rawValue": "two",
      "rawUnit": {...}
      "parsedValue": {...}
      "normalizedQuantity": 120
      "normalizedUnit": {...}
      "offsetStart": 7,
      "offsetEnd": 10

which has three main objects:

  • rawValue and rawUnit contains information as they appear in input
  • parsedValue and parsedUnit contains parsed information (note than parsedUnit is ignored when the normalisation is successfully executed)
  • normalisedQuantity and normalisedUnit contains normalisation information

Process Quantities from Text

Process text and extract and normalise measurements. The access point can be reach by: :

POST /service/processQuantityText

By processing our classical example I've lost two minutes: :

    curl -X POST -F "text=I've lost two minutes." localhost:8060/service/processQuantityText 

It will return a JSON response looking like

      "runtime": 52,
      "measurements": [
              "type": "value",
              "quantity": {
                  "type": "time",
                  "rawValue": "two",
                  "rawUnit": {
                      "name": "minutes",
                      "type": "time",
                      "system": "non SI",
                      "offsetStart": 11,
                      "offsetEnd": 18
                  "parsedValue": {
                      "numeric": 2,
                      "structure": {
                          "type": "ALPHABETIC",
                          "formatted": "two"
                      "parsed": "two"
                  "normalizedQuantity": 120,
                  "normalizedUnit": {
                      "name": "s",
                      "type": "time",
                      "system": "SI base"
                  "offsetStart": 7,
                  "offsetEnd": 10

Another example of a quantity of type interval looks as below: :

      "runtime": 3,
      "measurements": [
              "type": "interval",
              "quantityLeast": {
                  "type": "time",
                  "rawValue": "1",
                  "rawUnit": {
                      "name": "minutes",
                      "type": "time",
                      "system": "non SI",
                      "offsetStart": 26,
                      "offsetEnd": 33
                  "parsedValue": {
                      "numeric": 1,
                      "structure": {
                          "type": "NUMBER",
                          "formatted": "1"
                      "parsed": "1"
                  "normalizedQuantity": 60,
                  "normalizedUnit": {
                      "name": "s",
                      "type": "time",
                      "system": "SI base"
                  "offsetStart": 18,
                  "offsetEnd": 19
              "quantityMost": {
                  "type": "time",
                  "rawValue": "2",
                  "rawUnit": {
                      "name": "minutes",
                      "type": "time",
                      "system": "non SI",
                      "offsetStart": 26,
                      "offsetEnd": 33
                  "parsedValue": {
                      "numeric": 2,
                      "structure": {
                          "type": "NUMBER",
                          "formatted": "2"
                      "parsed": "2"
                  "normalizedQuantity": 120,
                  "normalizedUnit": {
                      "name": "s",
                      "type": "time",
                      "system": "SI base"
                  "offsetStart": 24,
                  "offsetEnd": 25

Process Quantities from PDF

Process PDF and generate annotations of measurements. The results are annotations which, by containing coordinate information, can be used to annotate directly a PDF. The access point can be reach by:

POST /service/annotateQuantityPDF

and the file can be supplied using the input FormData parameter.

For instance with a curl query: :

    curl --form input=@./myFile.pdf localhost:8060/service/annotateQuantityPDF

The result follow the usual schema described above. For this case the resulting JSON contains the list of pages and their dimensions. Each measurement provides the coordinate for annotating each part of the entity on the PDF.

      "runtime": 32186,
      "pages": [
              "page_height": 792,
              "page_width": 612
      "measurements": [
              "type": "value",
              "quantity": {
                  "type": "time",
                  "rawValue": "many",
                  "rawUnit": {
                      "name": "years",
                      "type": "time",
                      "system": "non SI",
                      "offsetStart": 2730,
                      "offsetEnd": 2735
                  "parsedValue": {
                      "numeric": 0,
                      "structure": {
                          "type": "ALPHABETIC",
                          "formatted": "many"
                      "parsed": "many"
                  "normalizedQuantity": 0,
                  "normalizedUnit": {
                      "name": "s",
                      "type": "time",
                      "system": "SI base"
                  "offsetStart": 2725,
                  "offsetEnd": 2729
              "boundingBoxes": [
                      "p": 2,
                      "x": 169.346,
                      "y": 422.195,
                      "w": 20.9665,
                      "h": 8.341
                      "p": 2,
                      "x": 194.178,
                      "y": 422.195,
                      "w": 18.453750000000003,
                      "h": 8.341

Parse measures

This function takes in input a partially structured measurement and returns the normalised version.

It can be reached by :

POST /service/parseMeasure

with raw body with the following schema: :

       "from" : "10",
       "to" : "20",
       "type" : "length",
       "unit": "km"

It will returns something like: :

      "runtime": 2120,
      "measurements": [
              "type": "interval",
              "quantityLeast": {
                  "type": "length",
                  "rawValue": "10",
                  "rawUnit": {
                      "name": "km"
                  "normalizedQuantity": 10,
                  "normalizedUnit": {
                      "name": "m",
                      "type": "length",
                      "system": "SI base"
              "quantityMost": {
                  "type": "length",
                  "rawValue": "20",
                  "rawUnit": {
                      "name": "km"
                  "normalizedQuantity": 20,
                  "normalizedUnit": {
                      "name": "m",
                      "type": "length",
                      "system": "SI base"

Parse units from Text

This entry point is used to structure units.

It can be accessed at: :

POST    /service/processUnitsText

The following text cm^2∕W with a FormParam parameter text will be structured in the following products:

          "prefix": "c",
          "base": "m",
          "pow": "^",
          "rawTaggedValue": "<prefix>c</prefix><base>m</base>^<pow>2</pow>"
          "prefix": "",
          "base": "∕",
          "pow": "",
          "rawTaggedValue": "<base>∕</base>"
          "prefix": "",
          "base": "W",
          "pow": "",
          "rawTaggedValue": "<base>W</base>"

Service checks

You can check whether the service is up and running by opening the following URL:

  • GET http://yourhost:8060/service/health will return you the result of the health check
  • GET http://yourhost:8060/service/isalive will return true/false whether the service is up and running


The version and the last git revision are available at the following URL:

GET http://yourhost:8060/service/version

and the result is as follows: :


The version is 0.7.2-SNAPSHOT and the revision g26a151b allow to know what is the last commit

Maximum parallel requests limit

This parameter allow to limit the number of parallel requests that can be sent to the service. It can be modified in the configuration file the item maxParallelRequests. By default, the number is set to 0, which indicate to allow a number of parallel requests not higher than the number of available CPUs.