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Train and evaluation

As the rest of GROBID, the training data is encoded following the TEI P5. See guidelines for detailed explanations and examples.

Generation of training data

Training data generation works the same as in GROBID, with executable name createTrainingQuantities, for example::

 java -Djava.library.path=../grobid-home/lib/{arch}/:{MY_VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib:{MY_VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jep -jar build/libs/grobid-quantities-{version}-onejar.jar trainingGeneration -dIn ~/grobid/grobid-quantities/src/test/resources/ -dOut ~/test/ resources/config/config.yml

by default the generation of training data is performed on the specified directory. The argument -r will process all files within the subdirectories, recursively.

Help can be invoked with:

java -Djava.library.path=../grobid-home/lib/{arch}/:{MY_VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib:{MY_VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jep -jar build/libs/grobid-quantities-{version}-onejar.jar trainingGeneration \--help

The input directory can contain PDF (.pdf, scientific articles only), XML/TEI (.xml or .tei, for patents and scientific articles) and text files (.txt).


This section describes quickly how to run the training with grobid-quantities. The models will be saved under grobid-home/models/{modelname}.

To run the training, assuming the current directory is the grobid-quantities directory: The training can be invoked using gradle or via the command using the dropwizard command line, which offers more options.

⚠ When training, if you receive a NullPointerException after loading all the data, make sure you are providing the YAML configuration file as last parameter.

Quantities CRF model

The trainer uses all the available training data from resouces/dataset/quantities/corpus.

⚠ We provide already both training and evaluation corpora, which should be used to evaluate. Given the small size of the corpus, we recommend to combine [corpus]{.title-ref} and [evaluation]{.title-ref} only for training the final model.

Via Gradle:

   ./gradlew train_quantities

Via command line:

java -Djava.library.path=../grobid-home/lib/{arch}/:{MY_VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib:{MY_VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jep -jar build/libs/grobid-quantities-{version}-onejar.jar training -m quantities -a train resources/config/config.yml

Units CRF model

The trainer uses all the available training data from resouces/dataset/units/corpus. The training instance is the unit itself (a <unit></unit> entry in the XML training file)

Via Gradle:

   ./gradlew train_units

Via command line:

java -Djava.library.path=../grobid-home/lib/{arch}/:{MY_VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib:{MY_VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jep -jar build/libs/grobid-quantities-{version}-onejar.jar training -m units -a train resources/config/config.yml

Values CRF model

The trainer uses all the available training data from resouces/dataset/values/corpus. The training instance is the unit itself (a <value></value> entry in the XML training file)

Via Gradle:

   ./gradlew train_values

Via command line:

java -Djava.library.path=../grobid-home/lib/{arch}/:{MY_VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib:{MY_VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jep -jar build/libs/grobid-quantities-{version}-onejar.jar training -m values -a train resources/config/config.yml

Quantified objects CRF model

This model is not yet enabled at the moment because it's still WIP

The trainer uses all the available training data from resouces/dataset/quantifiedObject/corpus. The training instance is the paragraph itself (a <p></p> entry in the XML training file)

Via Gradle:

   ./gradlew train_quantifiedObject

Via command line:

java -Djava.library.path=../grobid-home/lib/{arch}/:{MY_VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib:{MY_VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jep -jar build/libs/grobid-quantities-{version}-onejar.jar training -m quantifiedObject -a train resources/config/config.yml


Grobid-quantities can be evaluated using a random 80/20 ratio, an holdout set, or as n-fold cross-validation.

ℹ Since 12/2022, the holdout evaluation is the default means of evaluation for all the models.

The holdout datasets information and statistics (such as out of domain entities, overlapping rate, etc.) can be found in the under each model directory:

Holdout evaluation

The holdout evaluation train the model and run the evaluation against a fixed set of training data.

The training data is taken from resouces/dataset/MODEL_NAME/corpus and the evaluation data is taken from resouces/dataset/MODEL_NAME/evaluation.

The command to run the holdout evauation is:::

java -Djava.library.path=../grobid-home/lib/{arch}/:{MY_VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib:{MY_VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jep -jar build/libs/grobid-quantities-{version}-onejar.jar training -m model_name -a holdout resources/config/config.yml

80/20 evaluation

The 80/20 evaluation uses random 80% training data in resouces/dataset/MODEL_NAME/corpus and the remaining 20% for evaluation.

The command to run the 80/20 evaluation is:

java -Djava.library.path=../grobid-home/lib/{arch}/:{MY_VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib:{MY_VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jep -jar build/libs/grobid-quantities-{version}-onejar.jar training -m model_name -a train_eval resources/config/config.yml

N-fold cross-validation

The N-fold cross-validation perform the training and evaluation N times, partition the training data in N sets and using each set for evaluation while training with the rest. More detailed explanation here. The evaluation will then give the average scores over these n models (against test set) and for the best model which will be saved.

The command to run the n-fold cross-validation with N folds is the following:::

java -Djava.library.path=../grobid-home/lib/{arch}/:{MY_VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib:{MY_VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jep -jar build/libs/grobid-quantities-{version}-onejar.jar training -m model_name -a nfold \--fold-count N resources/config/config.yml